Ruby: I liked to Science inquiry and the ski trip
Mac: I passed my three times tables
Benjamin: I learnt how to make graphs in Keynote
Kees: When we went on the bike ride (big morning out)
Olivia: passing the rocket spelling lists
Sean: I learnt new interesting words to put in my writing from rocket spelling
Tim: The ski Trip and doing science inquiry
Bruce: Ski trip was great, I liked the science inquiry also the big day out was fun
Simone: I liked the ski trip
Liam: the ski trip because it was fun and I got to go with my friends down the sugar bowl
Ben: I liked skiing
Aleisha: I loved biking the big morning out was AWESOME!
Kaitlyn: I loved making the movies with my group it was FUN,
Zach: I loved the biking it was so BUMPY
Sophie s: Ski trip I liked falling over on it.
Robbie: I really enjoyed all the learning in class and setting up my khan academy
Jack: I liked doing my science experiment
Jaidene: I enjoyed the hiking
Sophie W: I liked going on the biking trip accept i was stuffed at the end
Travis: The big morning out!
Karen: I really liked the production because we didn't spend most of term 3 doing it
Emma: My favourite part was going on the hike
Gabby: My favourite part was the hike.
Mr Herring: Seeing so many people reach level 4 on our licence levels Most people have really improved at working independently this term.
Typed by ruby
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