Here are a few highlights from last week's Great Eight happenings.
The Pens literacy group were challenged to write a news article for their blogs with a really great one being posted on the school website! Here's Travis' post that he wrote about the classroom upgrades.

He's written about the four Ws and an H and did a great job on the G.S.P.I - gramma, spelling, punctuation and interesting words! He even used alliteration in the title. Nice work, Travis.
We've also been working our written reflections. We try to use a slogan to help us reflect on our learning - 'what, so what, now what'. It help s us think back to what we've learnt, why it;s important to learn and what are we going to do next. Robbies, reflection - here and pictured below, especially what he plans to do next. Well done, Robbie.
Lastly, Jaidene has posted about her 3d shapes she has made with a partner. One of last weeks tasks, listed on her learning plan, was to photograph her shapes and reflect on how many vertices, edges and faces they have.
These tasks have a due date at the end of the week and requires her to co-operate, reflect and problem solve to complete. She is using a wide range of skills learnt throughout the year to complete and she's done a good job! Keep it up, Jaidene.

I like the idea of building things together.
Moturoa Classroom
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