Thursday, October 27, 2011

3D Shape Interactives

Try these interactives that will test your knowledge of 3d Shapes!

How many cubes?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Guess the Dance

This is a dance we created (in 30 minutes) using the 4 key elements of dance - Body Movement, Time and Energy, Space, and Relationships. Can you guess what we are's a hint. It's a BIG thing.


Congratulations, Great Eight! Our science documentary is a finalist in this year's 2011 Made Awards. All the effort and hard work has paid off and it's fantastic to see you all get some credit.
We're in the running for some amazing prizes - check out the website to see what we could win if judged the best in our category! Here's hoping...

And here's the video we entered. We'd love some comments below!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to persuade

Use this slideshare to get you started on your own piece of persuasive writing. Read the slides, follow the instructions and write your own piece - on your own topic. Complete the draft by Friday.

Monday, October 24, 2011

3D Shapes

Tribute for Mr McCaw!

Here's our voicethread for Mr McCaw. We're practising how to give speeches and this is our chance to get better at knowing what we will say without reading it out loud.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Term 3 Highlights!

Ruby: I liked to Science inquiry and the ski trip
Mac: I passed my three times tables
Benjamin: I learnt how to make graphs in Keynote
Kees: When we went on the bike ride (big morning out)
Olivia: passing the rocket spelling lists
Sean: I learnt new interesting words to put in my writing from rocket spelling
Tim: The ski Trip and doing science inquiry
Bruce: Ski trip was great, I liked the science inquiry also the big day out was fun
Simone: I liked the ski trip
Liam: the ski trip because it was fun and I got to go with my friends down the sugar bowl
Ben: I liked skiing
Aleisha: I loved biking the big morning out was AWESOME!
Kaitlyn: I loved making the movies with my group it was FUN,
Zach: I loved the biking it was so BUMPY
Sophie s: Ski trip I liked falling over on it.
Robbie: I really enjoyed all the learning in class and setting up my khan academy
Jack: I liked doing my science experiment
Jaidene: I enjoyed the hiking
Sophie W: I liked going on the biking trip accept i was stuffed at the end
Travis: The big morning out!
Karen: I really liked the production because we didn't spend most of term 3 doing it
Emma: My favourite part was going on the hike
Gabby: My favourite part was the hike.
Mr Herring: Seeing so many people reach level 4 on our licence levels Most people have really improved at working independently this term.
Typed by ruby