This efolio, by Benjamin, has all the things we have been working on! He has some reflective posts that cover the 'what, so-what and now-what' steps, he's embeded his animation and he some images to break up the text. I also like the way his posts are easy to read and 'mostly' well G.S.P.I'd.
Great work, Benjamin - keep shining!
really cool persistance videos! We think elmo is cool. We liked it because it will show people to never give up. We also liked kaitlyns page because it had alot of writing to do with your learning.
By Ben & Blake GBS2
I like how it looks like a movie not an anamation
I think the music makes it more exciting!!!!!!
if you could remake you should make it longer
Mitchell & paddy gbs2
Hi I really like your efolios
I looked a benjman and travis,s efolio
I have some coments for travis
We like the story you wrote it's intresting.
We also like how you have shared your learning.
What were you learning when you wrote your story?
Something you could work on is your punctuation,especially using speach marks correctly.
gbs2 Liam
hi gage here from super 7 scoopers i like your lego movies and your blog is very cool
This is a message for Robert about his post about ipod or Psp.
I like the writing it is really good and long.
I would of picked ipod.
From Scooper Callum.
Hi From Scooper Flynn this comment is to cameron's blog but it wouldn't work.
I like cameron's blog because it does not have lots of widgets.
Hi I'm Scooper George,
our E-folio spotlight is very cool, Well done Benjamin!!!
The Blog looks excellent.
Cool T.V. channel!!!
Keep the posts coming!!!
Keep It Up,
Scooper George. B-)
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