We have the following jobs to be appointed. Please email your Prime Minister at markherringnz@gmail.com with your application letter. You should include a brief description why you consider yourself a worthy candidate.
* Salaries indicated are weekly payments
1. Bank Manager -$30 Snidges - organise and manage the bank and bank tellers.
- co-ordinate salary payments with Payroll Officer
- c-ordinate tax payments with Tax Officer
2. Bank Tellers (4) - $15 Snidges - work for the Bank Manager and provide services for GE Bank
3. Business Manager $25 Snidges - create and collect business applications
- manage property allocation for businesses
- solve potential business disputes
4. Tax Collector $20 Snidges - Observe businesses and collect tax revenue
- Make tax payments to the GE Bank account
5. Payroll Officer $20 Snidges - Co-ordinate week pay for GE staff with Bank Manager
6. Refuse Controller (2) $10 Snidges - Empty rubbish bins daily
- co-ordinate future recycling projects
7. Librarian (2) $15 Snidges - Collect, manage and return school Library books and Literature Circle books
8. Tool Kit Manager $15 Snidges - Distribute, collect and maintain thinking tools in the tool box.
9. Sports Gear Co-ordinator (2) $15 - manage all classroom PE Gear
10. Messenger $15 Snidges - distribute all messages around the school
11. Classroom IT Technitians (3) $20 Snidges - Start and close all computers each day
- Manage and maintain all classroom technology
Applications close - Sunday 8th May, 9pm.
Successful applicants posted on this blog - Monday, 9th May.